Samhyang Uhwang Chongsimhwan
Manufacturer Information
Manufacturer: Korea General Mannyon Health Corporation
Contact Address: Taedonggang District, Pyongyang, DPR Korea
Tel: 850-2-18111-381-8905
Composition: Koryo Insam powder, licorice powder, powder of bellflower roots, samhyang powder, powder of apricot stone, powder of Poria cocos, honey and etc.
Indications: It is used for purifying blood, neutralizing poison, and for spasmolysis, heart stimulation and children’s convulsive fit. It’s also efficacious for the prevention of apoplexy, high fever, and when you are unconscious, can’t talk and move.
Direction: 1 tablet once, 2~3 times a day with warm water.
Storage: Keep in dark and cool place.